
Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013

Hortatory Exposition

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Hortatory text adalah sebuah teks yang memiliki isi mengenai ulasan-ulasan kejadian yang disertai dengan argumen-argumen dan diakhiri dengan sebuah rekomendasi. Perbedaan hortatory dengan analytical terdapat pada bagian akhir teks yaitu jika pada hortatory bagian akhir teks adalah recomendation sedangkan pada analytical bagian akhir teks adalah reiteration (kesimpulan dari isi teks). Berikut ini generic structure dari hortatory text :
- thesis : berisi ulasan singkat (pengenalan,dll) mengenai masalah yang ingin di bahas.
- argument : berisi pendapat-pendapat mengenai masalah yang dibahas dan disertai dengan penjelasan.
- recomendation : berisi tentang kalimat ajakan berupa harus atau tidak harus melakukan sesuatu.

Berikut ini saya berikan sebuah contoh hortatory tex:

Do you know what the definition of corruption?. Corruption is one of the most significant factors which hinders countries. Corruption has been the real enemy to our country for this moment.

In Indonesia, politic corruption is dominating. Corruption has many impact. Firstly, corruption can decrease the quality of development country. Development of country is an important thing to show how the country can manage their territory. In fact, our country is still sinking. The money which has been corrupted can use to development in infrastructure, overcome the poor people, scholarship to student, etc.
Secondly, corruption can breed injustice. In our country where corruption is prevalent, there are different position between the poor and the rich man. The rich man can do anything with their money. Also in front of law they can do anything with their money. In fact, In our country the corruption not only happen in legislative but also in constitution.

I think corruption cannot destroyed but can prohibition. We must participate to decrease the corruption. As student we should be honest in our activity. That thing is one of our participating as student to decrease the corruption in our generation because if we are honest, all of bad thing impossible happen.

Sekian postingan dari saya, semoga bermanfaat dan menjadi sebuah rujukan. terima kasih.

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

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